About Membership

“Be a man who seeks to know God. Be a man of prayer. Be a man of service.” --Reverend Larry Richards, EWTN host of “Reason for Our Hope”

Dear Catholic Men in Christ…

Did you ever think about becoming a Knight of Columbus?      Why?  Why not?

Best thing you could ever do, for you and your family, is join the Knights.   It opens up friendships with other catholic men and families.  You would be startled when the KofC plate on your car results in a smile and wave from other brothers as you travel.

You and your wife should know that the original reason in 1882 for the existence of the Knights of Columbus was to care for the families of men that became unable, through loss of a job, illness, or death, to care for their families.  The optional top rated KofC insurance programs continue to meet this need, and starting in 2021 will also provide financial mutual fund investment products.

These days the world needs men who are willing to put their faith into action.  The KofC is the best way to do that, and its leadership and members are not afraid to stand up for what is right, upholding Christian and Catholic values.  Be a part of our charitable, fraternal, unified, and patriotic brotherhood.

More Knights of Columbus means more men that have signed up to lead a more Catholic life in union with the Church…more men to impact our society with a perspective that fosters Christian family life, increased morality, and love for neighbor.  These men, called Knights of Columbus, are needed to counter the increasingly misguided ways of our secular culture.   You can be one of these men. 

There has never been a better time to join us.  The opportunity to join is very convenient, and the opportunity to impact the world in which we live is very real.    Click to join right online!

For current members, how many of us have wished to pass on the extraordinary opportunity of The Knights of Columbus to our sons and grandsons?  However, for whatever reason, the circumstances have not been conducive –in the Armed Forces, away at school, in a different country, family time.

During this past year, Knights of Columbus has established just such an opportunity —ELECTRONIC MEMBERSHIP (EM).  EM is a web-based program through which eligible Catholic men are able join the Knights of Columbus on-line.  Men who join on-line –and pay $30/year—are non-degreed members.  Once they are ready to become a member of a local council, they are required to attend the on-line or in-person Exemplification ceremonial.

Meanwhile, they will receive the following:

  • A Welcome Package (membership card and letter, Columbia Magazine, and “Into The Breach” video).
  • Access to the On-line Membership Portal
  • Weekly Membership Communications
  • Programs and Events—Ability to participate in or attend
  • Columbia Magazine
  • Insurance
  • Accidental Death Coverage – at no cost
  • Annual Financial Review by one of our field agents
  • Information from the local Council—in our case, Bishop Greco Council 9499

And so, help your Catholic men over the age of 18 to begin their journey with the Knights of Columbus. Help them to apply right on line!

Get Started

Knights come from every stage of life, in countless corners of the world. Join us as we celebrate real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect and defend.